
London Screenings returns as live event

London Screenings returns as live event

The London Screenings, Film London”s export market dedicated to UK film, is returning this June as a live event, after two years of having to switch to online due to the pandemic.

The event runs from 20 – 23 June 2022 at Picturehouse Central, London and provides a platform to promote UK films to the international market, with buyers attending from all over the world. It also provides a market for more than 60 UK sales companies.

The Breakthrough Strand of London Screenings, which launches new talent to the market, will also return this year and has been expanded to include some relevant documentaries as part of a new partnership with Doc Society.

Adrian Wootton, chief executive of Film London and the British Film Commission, said: “London Screenings remains one of the best places for international buyers to get in at the ground floor with a wide range of features from established and emerging filmmakers alike.

“With global demand for content higher than ever before it”s never been more important for us to provide such a unique commercial showcase for British film. We are delighted to return in person at Picturehouse Central this June and look forward to meeting with long-term friends and colleagues and nurturing new relationships with the international industry.”

The BFI will also use the event to present a selection of Coming Soon (work in progress) titles, giving the international buyers and festival programmers a sneak preview of projects in various stages of production.

Neil Peplow, BFI Director of Industry and International Affairs, said: “We”re looking forward more than ever to opening back up to the world and welcoming partners to a live in-person London Screenings this year. As well as meeting up with international distributors and festival programmers, the market gives us a great opportunity to show them exciting new UK fiction and documentaries features and a sneak preview of productions in progress.”

In 2019 London Screenings attracted over 160 distributors from across Europe and buyers from North America and Asia. A total of 95 sales agents participated, a higher number than in previous years, and the event generated $8.38m in business.

London Screenings is funded and supported by the BFI, Mayor of London, Film Export UK and the Department for International Trade.

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