
VFX firm Milk working on Thunderbirds Are Go

VFX firm Milk working on Thunderbirds Are Go

UK-based VFX company Milk is working with ITV Studios on Thunderbirds Are Go. A revamp of the classic 1960’s children’s show, the 26 x 30 series is set to premiere on CITV and internationally this spring after being filmed in Australia.

Milk is currently working closely with series director David Scott to bring the iconic look of the series to every shot with a new age feel. Milk’s task was to create the illusion that the CG utilised appears so close in likeness to the live-action scenes that audiences won’t be able to tell the difference.


Will Cohen, Milk’s CEO and executive producer said: “The challenge of pulling together a vast amount of data on an international scale, within a tight schedule, called for a unique workflow solution. In collaborating with everyone involved we have been able to make that happen. We are proud to have contributed to this iconic TV event by coming up with a filmic look and treatment for the series.”

Milk is currently working on TV projects including new BBC One drama Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell and the forthcoming Hartswood/BBC Sherlock Christmas special episode. With regards to their feature film slate, Milk have been working with director Ben Wheatley on High-Rise and have just finished work on action sci-fi movie Insurgent.

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