Online Film Training Launched By Imaginox
The Imaginox Academy of Creative Arts is proud to announce the launch of its online film training and development platform.Aimed at creative professionals, the online film platform harnesses live and interactive video-based technology, and focuses on mentorship, training and project development within the industry.
Through live and interactive forums, members will have the chance to learn from the UK’;s finest and most established industry names, to promote themselves directly to the industry and enter into online competitions.
Industry figures and educationalists include Mick Audsley (Editor of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Roger Crittenden (Head of Department, NFTS), Brian Tufano (Cinematographer on Trainspotting), Sandy Lieberson (former Chair of Film London), Larry Sider (founder of the School of Sound) and Dario Marianelli (Oscar-winning Composer of Atonement).
A five week course: ‘;Producing Your First Feature Film’;, headed by Anita Lewton (former Co-Chair of the NPA) is registering entrants now. The course is aimed at producers, writers, directors, line producers, editors, production managers and media lawyers, looking to advance their careers and learn the fundamental facts of producing. It is also ideal for those looking to make the leap from shorts to feature filmmaking.
‘;Insider’; resources are provided, plus opportunities for members to develop their own projects. There are in-depth interviews with experts, such as lawyers from Lee & Thompson, a tax expert from Grant Thornton, an accountant from Harveys LLP and a script developer working with The Script Factory.
There is also a Scriptwriting Lab, led by contributors such as scriptwriter and director, Paul Andrew Williams, and an Editing rogramme led by Mick Audsley.
To register, log onto
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