
Writersroom calls for isolation shorts

Writersroom calls for isolation shorts

BBC Writersroom has issued a short-deadline call for original short-form scripts about self-isolating people who are connecting via video conferencing.

The scripts should be 5-10 minutes long with 2-4 characters. They can be friends, neighbours, family, strangers etc, but all being alone together and using modern tech to stay connected.

The stories should take place throughout and via a conference call and be set now or in the near future.

Four of the best will be produced with professional actors and released on BBC platforms throughout April. The selected writers will each receive £300.

We”ll select four of the best to be produced with professional actors and released on BBC platforms throughout April. The selected writers will each receive £300 for their script.

The deadline is 30 March at 12 noon. Click here to submit.

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