
Share your knowledge with us

Share your knowledge with us

As well as being the No.1 TV and film directory, we also feature industry news, blogs, features, career profiles, and handy guides. We are interested in hearing what you, the people in the industry, have to say.


Whether you’re an expert on aviation filming, a well-travelled director or simply a runner waiting for your next break – we’d like to hear from you.

If there is a subject you would like to write about, then get in touch with us. It can be a matter relating to your personal experiences in the industry, or a drive to share some tips on your industry expertise. You can either write something yourself, or we can ask you some questions over the phone.

What’s more, we’ll promote it via our social media channels, and can include a link of your choice in the piece.

If you feel you can contribute or improve knowledge about your specialisation, then drop us an email.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Knowledge team

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