
Creative England Puts Out Call For Board

Creative England has put out a call for people to be members of a non-executive Board which will have overall responsibility for the development of Creative England as it begins to provide support for film, digital media and other creative industries throughout the English regions.

Creative England currently has an interim advisory group, or Establishment Board, made up of the Chairs of the existing Regional Screen Agencies, to advise Creative England Chair, John Newbigin, in the run-up to the new organisation going live on October 1.

Commenting, Newbigin said: “We’;re looking for a dozen exceptional individuals who not only have a deep understanding of film, TV, games and other digital media industries, but can also speak with real authority for the regions. The creative industries are a vital part of the national agenda for growth and new jobs, not just in London but right across the country. They’;re also at the heart of our contemporary culture, especially for young people. So getting this right could not be more important.

From October 2011, Creative England will work to support the sustainable growth of independent creative businesses, and the talent that feeds them, in every part of England outside London. It will build on the work of the Regional Screen Agencies that, for the past ten years, have assisted the development of the film, TV, interactive, games and digital media industries, and the growth of film culture.

One of Creative England’;s first objectives is to establish a new infrastructure for film in the English regions, laying the foundations for the development and sustainability of a vibrant film and moving image culture outside of London. It will endeavour to ensure that the best talent is supported, that audiences have access to a wide and diverse range of moving image products, and that the public benefits from a range of opportunities to engage and participate in contemporary film and moving image culture. It is also bidding to a number of other central government and European funds for funds to support wider creative industry initiatives.

Deadline for Board member applications is Friday 9 September 2011. Interviews will take place w/c 19 September 2011. For more information on how to apply, or to download a pack, visit

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