Matthew Vaughn spies an autumn shoot

An early October start to shooting is now being eyed for The Secret Service, the latest collaboration between helmer and writer Matthew Vaughn and screenwriter Jane Goldman.
The pair have previously displayed a Midas touch on their work together, racking up titles such as Stardust, Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class.
The Secret Service is an adaptation of the Mark Millar comic book about a street kid being trained up as a British secret agent. Relative unknown Taron Egerton is the name on everyone’s lips to play the youngster – his only TV credit listed so far is Lewis – but he will certainly be in good hands in terms of A-listers being around to offer guidance. Colin Firth and Michael Caine are reportedly on board to play secret agents, with Samuel L Jackson said to be lining up as a villain. And cameos mentioned recently include Adele, Elton John and David Beckham…
The feature is from Vaughn’s shingle Marv Films and Twentieth Century Fox with the production office based at Warner Bros Studios Leavesden.
Further information on The Secret Service can be found on Production Intelligence, our online database of advance and archive productions.
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